Life happens and if you find that you have fallen behind on paying your bills due to the Association, it's best to approach us as soon as possible so that you can avoid incurring unnecessary charges to your account.
Late fees do apply to all overdue accounts however additional fees apply when a delinquent account is assigned to our legal team for collection. The additional fees can normally be avoided if we have an agreement in place that is adhered to.
In the case that you have fallen behind and wish to avoid further action being taken to collect the outstanding balance, we recommend that you put a proposal in writing (email is fine) with what is comfortably affordable over and above the amount due each month. If the proposal is reasonable, we will confirm our acceptance. If not, we will make a counter proposal but in any event we will always try to be fair. Extreme cases may be reviewed by the Board. If you communicate your concerns to us, you will always know what your options are. Failure to communicate your situation to us will ultimately result in delinquent accounts being assigned to the legal team for collection.
In all cases until an account is current, late fees will accrue every month.
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