If you are using one of the venues to hold a private function or event, review the following guidelines first as the restrictions may not suit your needs.
Please note that use is normally granted on a first come, first served basis so we recommend booking early for important functions.
Residents cannot book the venues for the benefit of non-residents. For instance, a non-resident relative of a Sandyport resident may not use our facilities for a function, such as a wedding. The principle purpose of a function must be for the direct and primary benefit of the resident.
A deposit of $220 vat inclusive is required prior to the booking being confirmed of which $110 is refundable within 7 days of the event if the following rules are adhered to:
- The area is to be left tidy and without damage, including removal of tape, staples and other materials.
- The event is concluded and the area cleared by 8pm (extended to 10pm on Friday and Saturday) or by the agreed time, whichever the sooner.
- The resident responsible for the booking must be present at the event for the entire duration.
- Total noise levels should not exceed 80dB at a 20ft range between noon and 8pm, 60dB at other times.
- No DJ or amplifying equipment is permitted.
- No more than 50 persons in total may attend the event.
- All visitors must be pre-registered with security at least 24 hours before the event starts, those not pre-registered will be denied access.
- All resident or owners accounts must be current before booking an event.
Failure to observe the rules may result in forfeiture of the deposit and restrictions placed on future bookings.
Payments are to be made directly to the management office within 1 business day of the reservation request after which it shall be automatically cancelled if unpaid.
The service provided by the Association is limited to the following:
- Ensuring that the area is clean and has adequate bathroom supplies on the day of the function
- Placing a ‘RESERVED’ sign at the venue for the duration of the event
- For security personnel to remind non-attendees to vacate the area before the event commences
- For security personnel to remind persons to clear the area when the scheduled event ends
Note that all charges are subject to VAT at the prevailing rate.
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